
Every time I'm on someone's blog, I am frequently finding myself wanting to know more about the women behind it other than just the brief description they give. So I'm going to attempt to answer some questions and wonders that you might have so you can get to know me a little bit better! 

I am a small town girl from Yukon and I absolutely love it here. Everywhere you go you never fail to find at least one person that you know, you wave at literally every car you pass, and things travel fast so you can always be there in a hurry when your friends are in need of your help, and that I love!  A even greater fact about myself is that I am a Christian. While I am always thinking and learning about hair, beauty products, new fashion looks, shopping, baking, shoes, attempting Pinterest DIY crafts, etc., my main focus in life is God. Through him I can accomplish anything in life and he is my greatest encouragement when I am getting discouraged on a new task. God has given me the gift of passion for always wanting to try new things, and that I intend to share with all of you! 

1. What made you decide to start this blog? 
I decided to start this blog on behalf of always wanting to share everything I learn with others. What's worse than learning something new and not being able to tell others about it? Nothing! So having this blog I hope to share with you everything new and inspire my readers to bring out their creativity side and try something new! 

2. Where did you get your craftiness from?
I definitely got my craftiness from my Mom, Aunt, and Grandmother. They are all so crafty! Their specialties are refurbishing furniture and making holiday things. They absolutely love it! I am more than positive I will be sharing some of their creations with my readers.

3. When did you attend Cosmetology (Beauty) School?
I am actually attending Canadian Valley beauty school right now. The high school that I am going to offers this Vo-Tech two year program of all sorts of varieties from nursing programs to mechanical services. For the Cosmetology class we take our state board test at the same time we graduate high school.

4. What is your favorite season? 
My favorite season is Fall! I love all the color changes on the leaves, getting to wear sweaters, boots, having bonfires, being lazy, being cozy, cold weather, rain, and most of all that it is actually perfectly acceptable to make my everyday Starbucks stop. They've always said Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the Fall. 

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