Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I am a lover of all things christ and all things beautiful. One of the best and most rewarding things to do in life is to count all of the little blessings you've received in your lifetime and realize how beautiful you are inside and out. I am on a journey to help my readers discover the true beauty that our God has blessed each and every one of us with.

I hope to inspire all of you in becoming more confident and to bloom out that oh so beautiful side of you that everyone is longing to have. 

I believe people are at least twice as beautiful as they give themselves credit for. Everyone has their blemishes, and there is always ways to cover them up. I will be bringing you forms of beauty from Makeup an Hair Tutorials, to indulging beauty through bible verses, to baking a brand new delicious recipe to share with others you love, all in great hopes of you succeeding to give yourself more credit on how beautiful you truly are.